Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, February 13, 2015

Forty-seven Years Ago

Forty-seven years ago on this night, not quite Valentine's Day, not quite a full moon... Omer and I decided to make a commitment to each other. (not quite so cold, either!)

Tonight it was still not quite Valentine's Day, and the moon (whatever it's doing) was totally obscured by a blizzard we're having. But we ate well! Thanks to Loretta, we had a gift card for Applebee's.


Back then, I could single-handedly eat an entire large pizza from Pizza King in Hartford City. Tonight, I chose to bring half my salad home so I'd be able to eat the entre.


But I did eat all of that. I had their new lemon chicken with quinoa and apple. It was really yummy.


Somehow, I don't think we'll still be here in another 47 years, but hey, I've been wrong before.

See 44 Years, But Who's Counting...
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  1. I hope you're here another 47 years. I certainly plan on being here then, though that's just my own plan whether reality cooperates or not.

  2. I love hearing about couples who've managed to stay together through thick and thin. I just read about another couple celebrating a 39th anniversary.
    Your meal looks really good.

  3. Congratulations! May you have as many more as you want.

  4. Sylvia and I have come to appreciate quinoa. We usually have ours with vegetables.

    Congrats on 47 years of togetherness. Many happy returns of the day.

  5. 47 years.

    Such a long memory.

    And you remembered.

  6. It couldn't happen to a nicer couple, Joan. For however long remains to you, I wish you joy and happiness. You are amazing folks.


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