Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, February 6, 2015

Monkey Feet

Here's a project I couldn't show you before now because the baby shower was today at work.

sock monkey booties

I think she liked them. Two adults wanted to know if I could make big ones!

sock monkey booties

And I have to bring you another sunset. It was just too stunning not to. Can't remember when we've had so many beautiful winter sunsets.


I am pooped, but no matter... I will go to work tonight anyway.

See Monkey See, Monkey Two
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  1. The monkey feet are cool. I can think of lots of adults who'd wear them if they were big enough.

  2. those are adorable.
    You sound like me, tired but plugging along and going to work any way

  3. The look on Mom's face shouts that she loves them.

    That sunset looks like fire on water. I like that effect and have seen it here a few times.

  4. Oh, those are ADORABLE! You did a great job on them? LOVE her surprised face. :)

  5. What cute slippers. I'd love to make some for Harper...except I don't knit. She's a fan of monkeys, though...especially the song, "Five Little Monkeys Jumping in the Bed"...I have grown a bit weary of it.

    Great winter sky.


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