Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, March 2, 2015

Here We Go- Philadelphia Flower Show 2015

We had all day long at the flower show, and we took good advantage of that! We went right at opening time.

Philadelphia Flower Show

Hurry! Go in beneath the marquee. The theme is "Celebrate the Movies."

Philadelphia Flower Show

The entry space was flanked with concentric rings of red and white flowers.

Philadelphia Flower Show

And multi-colored formal bouquets in the pools.

Philadelphia Flower Show

Don't forget to look overhead!

Philadelphia Flower Show

Philadelphia Flower Show

I begin the trip home tomorrow, but you'll get lots more flower show pictures over the next few weeks.

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  1. Looks like a pretty spectacular entrance. I never would have thought to hang flowers from the ceiling.
    Look forward to seeing more

  2. I'm looking forward to more as well, Joan.


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