Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Philadelphia Flower Show 2105- Inspired by Movies II

There were other Philadelphia Flower Show major exhibits I haven't shown you yet that were inspired by movies, without trying to duplicate the set. These three seemed creative.

The Tourism Council of Ireland presented this one with the tagline, "Who needs fifty shades of gray when you can have forty shades of green?"

Philadelphia Flower Show 2015: Movies- Fifty Shades of Gray

Philadelphia Flower Show 2015: Movies- Fifty Shades of Gray

This display took a completely different tack on "Celebrate the Movies." It was designed by the Camden, New Jersey, Children's Garden. It was called Showtime New Jersey and featured fruits and vegetables that are grown at the Camden garden. The space was decorated with movie memorabilia from New Jersey actors, writers, etc. The fence pickets were painted by children and then decorated with info about such New Jersey people as Bruce Willis, Danny DeVito, Kelly Ripa, and more. After the show the fence was moved to the real garden.

Philadelphia Flower Show 2015: Movies- Showtime New Jersey

One section was filled with dinosaurs and monsters made of plant materials. By kids, I'm sure. Very fun.

Philadelphia Flower Show 2015: Movies- Showtime New Jersey

This next one was a beautiful and colorful display of blooming spring bulbs called "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious," based on Mary Poppins. This was also an international entry from Jacques Armand International, of Middlesex, UK. They wanted to recreate "the magic of a spring day in an English Park." It was one of the most colorful gardens, and since I love spring bulbs, I liked it a lot.

Philadelphia Flower Show 2015: Movies- Mary Poppins

Philadelphia Flower Show 2015: Movies- Mary Poppins

Philadelphia Flower Show 2015: Movies- Mary Poppins

Taxes are done. Have to work both jobs tomorrow and Friday, so I'm thinking bed really soon.

See Inspired by Movies- I
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