Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Today is Not Yesterday!

How's that for the truth? Yesterday I could barely get out of bed or the chair. Today I was on a roll and cleaned house. It's looking pretty good (for me!).

You'll have to settle for a picture of the sunrise, but I don't think you'll mind.


And, as red as it was with warning, we had a nice day. Sunny, but still cold. I can't wait till it's warm enough to hang laundry outside!

Who knows what my energy level will be tomorrow. If I can do another day like today things will be looking good around here. (But I do have to do some other stuff, too).

See Spring Comes to Halls Crossing
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  1. Pretty sunrise. I need some of that energy or maybe it's ambition that I'm lacking

  2. I love that title. It's worth remembering.

  3. I'm with you---I can't wait to hang sheets outside! I've been Spring cleaning on the weekends and it's great to open the windows to get some fresh air inside.


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