Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


I am busy trying to get ready to leave on Saturday, and since I have to work most of the rest of this week I need to be pretty much packed as early as possible.

I've been saving some cuteness for you that I've caught over the past few months (you can see the background turn from white to brown to green).

red squirrel

Yes, Riley is as pert as ever, and she doesn't run away the split second I open the door any more.

red squirrel

However, she doesn't like the rice crackers I put out any more than I did. The rain turned them to mush on the railing. I guess even the birds didn't like them.

red squirrel

I put out a Ritz cracker today, but she turned up her nose at that too. She's quite the epicure as well as a gymnast.

red squirrel

She's looking sleek and trim, and thankfully not pregnant.

See Alive and Well
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  1. She is certainly knows how to pose for pose for great photos! Very cute

  2. They are so much fun to watch. I love the second picture. Too cute

  3. Riley teaching you her dietary preferences. She will get you trained, right enough.

  4. She is delightful. Imagine her performance if you toss out a nut or two.


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