Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Oh, the Greenness of It!

I had to go out on assignments this afternoon. I don't usually do that on Saturdays, but it was the only time I could make an appointment for one of them. A lot of miles in the car, but who could complain with these views to soak in?

spring trees

I know I've been sharing this kind of thing all week, but it's just so wonderful, it's still giving quality to my days. I love the textures and shades of green.

spring trees

The colors along the White River were so luscious, and the water was high. You just wanted to be swept away with the current to explore more places.

spring trees

And, what trip would be complete without another shaded back road?

back road

Today was also very warm. Felt like summer. Some good sleep and it will be perfect.

See Can't Get Enough of This
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  1. gorgeous greens. I especially like that first one that has all the different shades

  2. I never grow tired of scenes like those.

  3. Soooo pretty! I was thinking that this was ideal camping weather and there aren't any mosquitoes yet!

  4. Same here! It's just the greenest time of year!


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