Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


One of the most fun parts of hikes like this is discovering little jokes that are less likely to be seen in the woods.

Who could resist a chuckle at this mailbox?

airplane mailbox

This was perhaps our favorite.

sidewalk repair

Some homeowner had to use concrete to repair a section of sidewalk that was no longer level. So, rather than just make a boring flat ramp, he or she embedded goodies. I wonder if there is a secret message.

sidewalk repair

And just to prove that fun is where you find it, here's a nifty shadow of some grasses. Where did we see this, you ask? Inside a porta-potty, of course.

grass shadows

And commercial displays can even add to the fun. This restaurant had a welcoming lobster.


See Ohio Ground Cover
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1 comment:

  1. You found some fun stuff. I like that mailbox. That would have been perfect for my dad since he liked to fly.


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