Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, October 23, 2015

Feeling Energized - DMS Druggist

I didnt' have any new pix to post today, and was thinking about what to share. Meanwhile, I was making some notes about my mystery in progress, Dead Mule Swamp Druggist.

I had sort of a kind of an idea for the cover, but nothing had really gelled yet. Then, I recalled a picture I took earlier this week. I'm not sure it's just the right one yet, but I began to play around.

Yup, I think I've got the general idea of how this one is going to work. I always get energized about the writing when I have a cover. Isn't that weird?

Anyway... this is A MOCK UP. Not a final product. This is to give me further ideas. I may try to get some other photos while it's yet autumn. The book is set in Sept/Oct.

Dead Mule Swamp Druggist

Anyway, work is on the agenda all night tonight. Have to write Chapter 19 of the book this weekend. Trying to get the chapters plotted out to make the story work. That's what started this flurry of brain activity.

It's all good.

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  1. that makes sense to me. Having the picture gives you a visual to work off of

  2. Here's hoping that all went to plan last night.


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