Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Rural Splendor

Long day... out doing cases, then handbells, then writing group. All good, but I'm ready for bed. I LOVE country life. You can call it quaint, trite, hick, hillbilly, naive, whatever you want. I won't care and I'll still love it.


Big Bass Lake

See Pink, Blue (and Red)
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  1. Beautiful pictures. I wish the leaves around me did this. They just turn a duller green and then fall off the trees.

  2. Yes, country life is good. Down in the city yeaterday, and so glad to be home!

  3. I can totally understand your love of country life. I don't really live in the country but I don't live in a big city either. I don't think I could handle city life at least not happily


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