Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

One More Lovely Day

We are supposed to start getting a real wind event later tonight, and a real November storm all day tomorrow. But today was wonderful, yet again. It began with a foggy morning.

foggy backyard

But cleared to blue skies and 50 degrees. Very nice temperature for working. I was out doing cases. This is the last remnants of a mackerel sky, an evidence of a change in the weather.

blue skies

I was much farther east than I am usually sent, so I bring you a picture of the mighty Muskegon River taken from 50th Ave.

Muskegon River

Work tomorrow, and I'm thinking I'll cook some squash in the oven in the afternoon. Sounds like it will be a day that could be improved by warming the kitchen.

See another view of the Muskegon River
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  1. The blustery weather started here tonight. Poor cat's eyes are wide as saucers as the house creaks and squeaks. Batten the hatches!

  2. Wednesday was a great day for doing odd jobs, and we got a lot done. Power went out Thursday 7:30 AM. Fortunately, Jenny is on the job.

  3. I like that foggy picture.
    The wind has already kicked up here and the temperature has dropped quite a bit since lunch time


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