Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A REALLY New Skill Set

I've been given some expanded hours at work to learn to be a backup person in the press room. Here's the press.

printing press

Today, I mostly listened and watched, and got to do a little hands on with removing some of the used plates and being a gofer. Enough to get black and magenta and yellow and cyan!

I'm really comfortable working with the guy in charge because I've known him a lot of years. And I've known the other primary guy in there for a few years. Neither of them have any issues with my gender, so there isn't any silliness about that. Thank goodness.

There is a lot to learn and understand, but so far it's very interesting.

They had to reset the machinery because of an "oops" that happened yesterday. The papers were being cut in the middle of a page instead of at the top/bottom. So I got to watch them work on those adjustments.

This press can print up to 24 pages at one time.

I won't be back there for a week. Hope I don't forget everything I learned today. Then the next day, I'll be doing some cleaning of the machine. That's a good way to get acquainted with big toys.

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  1. Looks like a challenging job! And how much snow did you get yesterday!?

  2. It sounds interesting to me. Hope you enjoy it.

  3. always good to learn something new. The way I see it the more you know the more valuable you become as an employee

  4. Hi Stew- Maybe 4-6 inches. It was fluffy and no big deal.

    Chuck- I think I will.

    Ann- yeah, but employers see diminishing returns as your age increases.


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