Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Hiking in Hemlock Lace

Today was the monthly Spirit of the Woods hike. Eleven enthusiastic hikers and a beautiful day! Not much sun, but some fresh snow, no wind and not too cold. We did 3.5 miles on the North Country Trail.

snow on hemlock
This is a section I sometimes drive to just for a quick hike because it's pretty and not too far away from home. You've seen it before, at Wimpy Dog and Porky Paws, for one example.

The lineup!


This little creek has no name I am aware of, but it's one of the prettiest features of this section. The creek is lined with hemlocks (where I've found Hemlock Polypore).

snow on hemlock

Even the hemlock roots are attractive.

hemlock roots

The bridge was icy and required some careful navigation, but everyone made it across safely.


Of course, the creek flows to my old favorite, the Pere Marquette River.

Pere Marquette River

My current total for the NCT Hike 100 Challenge is up to 12.5 miles. Not much, but I'm not worried. I haven't made any effort beyond the chapter hikes at this point.

Great day! Napped in the afternoon (not much sleep between work and hike), and am headed back to bed very soon.

Upper Branch Bridge to 40th St, Lake County, MI

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  1. Love the view in the last picture

  2. Ann- I'm always in love with river pics, even in winter.

  3. Such a cheery looking group...but it must have been cold!!


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