Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Lichen, Not Even 101

So I thought I'd get some pictures of a really common lichen and that would be easier to identify. Right? Wrong.

parmelia lichen

So this one grows on just about any tree in the woods around here. Maybe. It's probably one of a group of cousins in the genus Parmelia.

parmelia lichen

And right there, I am stuck until I learn to follow some botanical rules I certainly know and preach with leafy plants. Look at both sides of the leaf. Learn the vocabulary. Check the texture. Blah, blah. Did I do any of these things. Nope.

Here it is close up.

parmelia lichen

Soredia= a cluster of granule-like cells on the surface. These are photosynthetic and are wrapped with a few strands of fungus.

Apothecia= those little cups where spores are produced. See some at Three Lichen.

Soralia= masses of soredia

OK, I give up for tonight. Maybe I can remember to look at the back next time.

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  1. Perhaps this is part of the first lecture introducing 101?

  2. I wouldn't have a clue what these are but I love your photographs, anyway.


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