Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, January 1, 2017

2016 Pictures Month by Month

Warning- heavy graphics post.

These are twelve of my best pictures from the year. I made myself choose one picture from each month. Therefore, these aren't the twelve best pictures because a few months had several good shots, while one could easily discard at least a couple of theses. By "best" I mean composition, color, tone, etc.

Nevertheless, there was lots of beauty to be found throughout the year.

Side comment- the one thing I miss about the picture-taking job that I quit in July is that I no longer drive all over, seeing new places and being presented with wonderful photo ops. And yet, only one of these pictures was taken while working. They are all around home, on hikes, or other trips. You will quickly notice they are not pictures of people. Not my forte. Maybe I should force myself to pick the best monthly people pictures. I'll think about that. I could also choose my twelve favorites. That might be interesting.

At any rate, this makes a nice trip through the year.

JANUARY: Sun through branches and tinted windshield strip- taken on some back road while working
sun through branches

FEBRUARY: Newborn lamb with mother- taken on a farm belonging to neighbors of Chuck and Sylvia

MARCH: Winter sun- taken in my backyard
winter sun and snow

APRIL: Wetland hummocks- taken in southern Oceana County
wetland hummocks

MAY: Tulips- taken in Leveaux Park in Ludington

JUNE: Japanese maple and mansion- taken at Stan Hywet in Akron, Ohio
wetland hummocks

JULY: Little Green Heron- taken at the cemetery pond near my house
green heron

AUGUST: Trees in morning fog- taken on US 12, coming home from Ester's house
morning fog

SEPTEMBER: North Country Trail and hikers- taken in Sheyenne National Grasslands, North Dakota
trail and hikers

OCTOBER: Country road- taken in Newaygo County, 5 Mile Road
trail and hikers

NOVEMBER: Hamlin Lake- taken above the dam
blue lake

DECEMBER: Ludington Lighthouse- taken from Stearns Park
Ludington lighthouse

If you have any category of pictures you'd like to see, give me an idea.

See Best Pictures of 2013
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  1. Vey nice pictures, photographically speaking. The last one of the lighthouse is spectacular!

  2. These are all wonderful photos but I have to say my favorite is the one for March. It's gorgeous

  3. These are great. Hard to choose but I pick February just to play the game.

  4. Super lineup! I too choose February, but then they are friends.


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