Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Manistee National Forest Challenge Hike #8

We had a smaller group today: 8 humans and Sophie the wonder dog. Several people had other things going on. We also picked up one new hiker. He walked partway with us and then back to his car for a total of 6 miles. No shame in that. He's 82!

group of hikers

This red pine plantation in the low part of a valley always captures my attention when I walk through it.

red pines

Here's one of my infamous attempts to give you a sense of the bowl the trail goes around at this point. I never can get an angle with the camera that captures the depth. But I'll keep trying because it's one of my favorite places.

valley in the woods

Delicate harebells, Campanula rotundifolia, lined the trail in some places.


McCarthy Lake is always on my list of favorite places. And it always seems to look a bit different every time I am there.

McCarthy Lake

Sure signs that it's August. The late summer flowers are in bloom. Here's flat-topped aster, Aster umbellatus.

flat-topped aster

Last week, we did 8.4 miles and everyone was very tired. Today we did 9.7 and it didn't feel bad at all. Several of us said we could have done more. Who knows why? (Although I suspect last week's humidity level as the culprit.)

North Country Trail, Timber Creek (US 10) north to 3 Mile Road, 9.7 miles

See MNF Hike #7
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  1. I hope that I can hike 6 miles at 82. That's impressive.

  2. I would love to come on one of your hikes. Do you do this every weekend?

  3. Ann- he is a really nice guy. We hope he comes again and doesn't feel bad about turning around.

    Lin- I scheduled them on the weekends I didn't have something else going on. Next one is Aug 27. Would you really drive all the way here to hike with us? email me.


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