Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, November 6, 2017

Blue Sky and Sunshine

I'll tell you what. If blue sky and sunshine in November can't make you happy, I can't do anything for you.

I walked to the post office today, and just took pictures along the way.

tree and blue sky

This is really two trees, but I like how it looks like one.

autumn tree

Small town, America. It's what I know best. I had errands to do in town too.



Sky above the Catholic church, now closed, sadly.

church against sky

The shadows were lengthening as I came home. No matter that it was only three in the afternoon. We're on days of short daylight.


Accountability report:
Wrote two chapters in Dead Mule Swamp Druggist. Only one or two to go.
Did a bunch of stupid recordkeeping stuff.
Mailed out two book orders.

See Scottville in the Snow
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  1. The trees are in full autumn splendor these days. A little late...but beautiful just the same. Mix the eye candy with the cool crisp air and the warm sunshine and walking has been heavenly lately!


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