Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, November 9, 2017

First Snow Winter 2017-2018

It began while I was at work. I got home after dark. Long day... there will be more of them between now and Black Friday because of all the advertising flyers.

Anyway, we aren't supposed to get clobbered like many other areas in the state. Good thing, because I currently have no working snowblower.


Guess I'd better put the wheelbarrow away!

See First Skiing Winter 2016
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  1. I think we just got out of town in time!

  2. Snow is in the forecast for here today. I was hoping it was wrong but it seems like our weather follows yours a lot of the time

  3. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay their is that kold wite stuf falling owt of the sky!!! i hav never seen it myself but trixie always sed it wuz wunnerful!!! i do not think dada agreed with her!!! ok bye

  4. Better there. . . But I suppose it will get here sooner or too soon, in any event.


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