Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, December 8, 2017

Christmas Tree 2017

This is Omer's contribution to Christmas. He LOVES having a Christmas Tree, and he really does it all. I helped only a little to get it in the stand.

I do like how this picture is a bit soft and fuzzy. I didn't use flash or turn on more room lights because I hoped to get the glow from the tree lights. That worked! You can call it a lousy picture, or you can call it artistic.

Christmas Tree

One of the fun things is that no matter what window you look toward, when it's dark out, there's a reflection of the lights. This one is like a regular mirror.

Christmas Tree

The one at the other end of the house in the kitchen has distorted things a bit. I like this one a lot.

Christmas Tree

And that's it for today!

I wrote a little bit in The Secret Cellar, but am struggling with separating the contents of chapters 10 and 11. I'll get it eventually. Tomorrow, after I wake up, it's back to Druggist for the (hopefully) final read-through.

Meanwhile, another Friday night looms ahead of me at the paper.

See 2016 Christmas Tree
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  1. I'll go for calling it artistic. It looks really nice. He does a good job decorating it.

  2. It is absolutely beautiful and your photography is certainly artistic. Always love the large tree and the way Omer decorates it....wish I could helicopter up and enjoy it in person.

  3. I like the gentle light a Christmas tree brings into the room at night. I love to watch TV with the lights off and just the Christmas tree on. I guess that is why we have 2 trees--one in the living room and one in the family room. I know...I am a glutton for punishment!

    I like your "fuzzy" tree photos!


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