Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, February 11, 2018

What Beckons You?

Out for a little skiing today; the snow was good, but deep-slow going. Just took some random pictures. But I like how this one turned out. It seems to call me into its depths.

snowy landscape with pines and maple trees

I also liked the texture variations in this one.

snow covered trees with a brown shrub

The sunset wasn't spectacular, but it did provide some interesting color as opposed to the blue-gray of the entire day.

pink sunset through branches

In other news: Actually, the "other" news was the major goal of the day. I wanted to finish The Hitchhiker, and I managed to do it! My original goal was to be done with that first draft by mid-February, so I met that deadline. I think that's all for today, but next I need to create more of an outline than the fuzzy plot idea that's in my head for The ABZ Affair.

See Trail Work Day
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  1. Good weather here for both skiing and snowshoeing.

  2. What a nice view in that first picture.

  3. The woods I can see in the distance beckoned me today! Had a great snowshoe walk when I got there.


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