Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Breakfast with Two Favorite People

Two of my favorite people came across on the ferry last night. They'd been hiking the Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin, and they asked me if I wanted to go to breakfast with them. Of course!

We had such a wonderful time. But I forgot to take any pictures at all. Doesn't matter. You probably wouldn't recognize any of us outside of a trail setting. So, I bring you some previous pictures of Dan and Ruth. This is when they finished hiking the North Country Trail

north country trail hikers

This is when they finished hiking the Buckeye Trail.

north country trail hikers

I wanted to kidnap them and go hiking, but they had a commitment in Lowell.

P.S. We went to Chef John's in Ludington. The breakfast sandwich was wonderful! It was enough food for me for the whole day with a little dessert this evening.

In other news: I walked 3 miles with 30 pounds. I finished a chapter in Dead Mule Swamp Mistletoe. I started trying to find out how much it's going to cost to print North Country Quest with color interior pages. No other hike prep happened. Grocery shopping and more errands- they never end.

See Hiking and Home Again
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