Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, August 25, 2018

New Adventure Buddy?

This evening, a long-time, but not much seen, friend and I went for a North Country Trail hike. We went out to the trail at Timber Creek and hiked about five miles. I did it with 30 pounds, and it felt fine. It was about enough for one shot without a rest, but no problems. Guess I'd better move up to 32 pounds!

The all-day rain made everything green and lush in the evening light.

trail through trees

Moss glowed!

trail through trees

Probably Cathy and I won't call this a favorite picture, but we were having fun.


The most fun (only) wildlife sighting was driving home where a blue heron was winging down the road ahead of me. Not a great picture through a dirty wet windshield, but you get the idea.

blue heron flying down a road

It had the good sense to stop and get off to the edge before we reached the highway.

blue heron

Cathy and I may try to get together fairly regularly to do something. Now... some of you that keep saying you would like to hike with me, please don't get bent out of shape. Sometimes adventure buddies just work out due to proximity of where people live, schedules, time of life, pace, etc. Anyway... we may try to do this again.

Hike 100 Challenge is at 62 miles

In other news: I did a book vendor event at Shagway Arts Barn today that was surprisingly all right despite the rain. And now, I think I'm taking my book and going to bed.

North Country Trail, Timber Creek north 2.5 miles and back

See More NCT Hike Fun
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