Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, September 28, 2018

Day Twelve - Midland to Mackinac

Everything is starting to feel more autumnal. It rained all night, and continued into the morning. I sat in the car and watched turkey wander through the campsite nibbling whatever it is they nibble. Then a black squirrel did the same. I took pictures, but they look like you’d expect through a wet car window.

I needed to find an adapter plug and learned there was a hardware store only 7 miles away. Off I went on that mission, and discovered a nice restaurant right across the street. I ordered a hot sandwich. It was excellent. Half was enough to fill me up then, so I saved the rest. (Ate it just now) But I ate all the homemade potato chips then.

Back at the campsite, and it looked as if the worst of the rain was over, so I started walking at 12:20. 95% of what I hiked today was on roads of some description, and I’m happy to say that I never once lost the trail. (Not too difficult, right?) However, I did have to guess which way to go at a fork, but I guessed correctly. There was one blaze in that half-mile and I blew it a kiss as I passed it.

red autumn leaves

After leaving Rainbow Bend Campground, the trail joined Conners Dam Rd, a two-track. This was a lovely two miles.

Just when you think summer is over and the delicate flowers are gone, harebell, Campanula rotundiflolia will surprise you.


I actually didn’t go off route to check out the lake until on the way back, but Conners Lake is easy to access. Loved the lonely shore.

Conners Lake

Here it is from the dam.

Conners Lake

Then I did four more miles on paved road before I turned around. Crossed the North Branch of the AuSable. I don’t mind taking pictures of rivers from bridges. People in cars hardly notice when they cross. But the waterways are often beautiful.

AuSable River

On the way back, the tree that looked as if it had a few red leaves was fully visible. Wow!

Red Tree

Saw two more birds worth noting- an eagle and a bluebird. (And maybe a kingfisher, although it was too far away to be sure it wasn’t a bluejay).

Pretty good for a day that started out looking like it might be a bust. I’m no longer alone at the campsite. Well, it is the weekend! But I do have to drive somewhere to get enough bars for internet access. Found a place closeby that works!

Forward progress on the trail about 6.5 miles for a total of 95 miles. Total miles walked today- 13. I’m a little footsore from the pavement, but nothing serious. The adventure continues.

Tomorrow is supposed to be the one guaranteed nice day for a while, so I hope to do some good miles.

See Day Eleven
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  1. Nice that things went smoothly after the rain.

  2. You've certainly had more than your share of annoyance on this hike. However, you've had enough moments of joy and beauty to offset all that. At least that's the way it appears to me.


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