Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Rest and Replanning Again

Today, I had to write my newspaper column and try to come up with a plan that is going to work in order to continue hiking.

But just to keep limber, I took a short hike with a can of blazing paint. Tried to connect from the north to the trail I lost on day 6.

Parked where the trail comes out beside this little log church.

Oak Grove Log Church

Headed across a little bridge.

foot bridge

The woods had quite a few large red oak trees.

tall oak

This one was growing some nice polypore.


I checked to see if it was a tooth fungus, but no teeth. A polypore.


The bad news is that I was not able to connect with where I lost the trail. Had to be really, really close because I hiked in for 40 minutes. But I hunted for another blaze for 20 more minutes and couldn't find anything. Probably was within shouting distance of where I had lost it before, but didn't get into the same clearing. Had to turn around. I can't even seem to accomplish little goals.

I'm on to plan D. I guess I'll have to just hike in and back out making short mileage days until I run out of time. Sigh.

See Day Seven
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