Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, November 26, 2018

I Felt Artsy

 A friend posted a picture on Facebook yesterday, done in pen and ink, that I liked a lot. In fact I liked it so much I more or less copied it with just a few tweaks. The original artist is Heather Victoria Held. Here is my version in colored pencil.

medallion with deer in oak twig frame

I was pleased with the results, but I wanted the vibrant colors of the original. My colored India inks dried up years ago. (I was kept in glorious art supplies by Mom and Granny through college, but the artsy side of me slipped somewhat after that, as did our budget for things like arts.)

And, I hate doing the same thing twice. So I decided to make my own medallion with a rabbit. Mixed media: colored pencil, markers, and pen. I'm actually pretty happy with this, surprisingly so. My rendition of things seldom meets the expectations I have in my head.

medallion with rabbit in radish frame

I have a couple more ideas. We'll see if I have any further interest. That's the problem with me and art. I'm a fickle practitioner. However, several artsy friends have been inspiring me lately, so who knows? (Valory, Linda, John, Ellen, Sue, Jennifer)

In other news: This is what 4-6 inches of predicted snow looks like here. No skiing yet!

green grass in November

And I wrote my monthly column for the newspaper. Thus ends another day.

See Betsy's Eggs are Celebrities
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  1. Those are wonderful, I like both of them.
    Just looked out the window and we did get snow. It doesn't look like a whole lot yet but by Thursday it's supposed to be anywhere from 6 to 10 inches

  2. Thanks for crediting Heather Victoria Held. Her version was done with watercolors (I think) and gold leaf. Joan, you might get a kick out of Inktense watercolor pencils. Great control. Intense colors.

  3. I guess that snow kept on going by you and ending up down our way.

  4. I just started dabbling in watercolors. I have no idea how to draw...or paint...so this ought to be interesting.

    Um...we got your snow.


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