Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Day 2018

It was calm and pleasant here.

Christmas Tree

The antique creche never got set up, but Omer found two others we had been given as gifts that we hadn't used in years, and I enjoyed seeing these. The simplicity of the white ones is appealing.

nativity scene

And this one is a puzzle- all the figures fit into the stable frame for storage.

nativity scene

I got nice gifts: art supplies and small funnels I asked for, new dishcloths (much needed), the camper ornament and towel from Loretta, and Steve sent the square camper pot for me to try. It's interesting. I might have to blog about it separately. Steve also paid for the vinyl for my trailer floor (when I get back to working on it this spring). Josh brought us a fruit basket and trail mix.

Christmas gifts

We had a yummy meal with no fuss at all- serve yourself from the kitchen- and we are JUST FINE with that. Lots of leftovers for the coming days.

Christmas meal

I've been reading a book and working sporadically on formatting the print copy of DMS Mistletoe.

Following so many friends on Facebook and seeing that you have had a wonderful day as well. Merry Christmas!

See Christmas Day 2018
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  1. Merry Christmas. Sounds like you had a nice day. I like calm and pleasant too...

  2. That's my kind of Christmas. I look forward to hearing more about the square camper pot.

  3. A quiet Christmas here as well. We didn't make left overs, we ate them. Spicy Chinese for lunch and Mexican for supper.

  4. I like a quiet Christmas--that's what we do too. We actually went out for a 5-mile hike in the woods on Christmas Day. It was lovely and peaceful.

    I like your creches. Did you see my collection of mini-creches on my blog? For some reason, these little ones just seem to find me.

    Happy New Year, Shark!

  5. Charlee: "Merry Christmas, a little bit late!"
    Chaplin: "And Happy New Year, a little bit early!"


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