Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, January 10, 2019

A Mini Plant Show

I took these pictures way back in November, but there were always things happening so that I never shared them.

Sometimes, going to a plant nursery is almost as good as going to a garden show or formal garden. Maybe there isn't as much plant material, but it's usually in good condition. I took these pictures the day I bought the craft items for the mistletoe ball and the tree trunk slices.

And there's nothing like a good dose of real plants in the middle of winter.

This is Dracaena marginata.

dracaena marginata

You know I'm always a sucker for succulents. This is a Tiger Jaws, Faucaria tigrina. The very cool thing about this one is, of course, it's blooming!

Tiger Jaws blooming

This plant isn't as spectacular, but I loved the slim dark veins contrasting with the broad green leaves. It's Birdsnest Nidus Asplenium nidus. I wasn't familiar with this one, but the genus name is a clue. It's actually a fern!

birds nest fern

For texture, this one wins: Ruby Red Spikemoss, Selaginella erythropus. It's actually closely related to the club mosses. I've showed you several kinds of these on the forest floor. Love the colors!

ruby red spikemoss

Finally, my favorite picture of the set, Rattlesnake Plant (WAY too common of a name), Calathea lancifolia.

Calathea lancifolia

I'm actually going to get to go to the Philadelphia Flower Show this year, so stay tuned for lots more plant pictures in March. But I think wandering through a year-round nursery might be a good way to beat the winter blahs from time to time.

In other news: I spent the entire day writing, doing bookwork and transferring tapes. I should feel like I accomplished a lot, but I don't. O well.

See Fort Wayne Home and Garden Show
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1 comment:

  1. This time of year I crave green. These are wonderful.


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