Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Into the Catskills

I've moved again, this time to Marie's house where I will be for the rest of my time here.

This meant a drive south through the Catskill Mountains. Pictures taken from the car, on the fly. Not the best quality, but you can get the idea.

catskill mountains

I love the way the big houses are shoehorned into the hills. Look ahead of the car.

houses in catskill mountains

The Delaware River was parallel to us for most of the driving route.

Delaware River

Hoping to get back on some sort of modified schedule tomorrow. We'll see.

See Sunset in the Catskills
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  1. That's some view in that first picture

  2. Sort of caught up here. You are hard to keep up with, but keep going!


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