Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

North Country Trail Amazing News

For over 20 years the North Country Trail has been working to have the route in Minnesota officially (by Congress, as required) to include what has been nicknamed the Minnesota Arrowhead. This extends the trail along the north shore of Lake Superior via the Superior Hiking Trail, then west on the Border Route and the Kekakabic Trail through the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, and then back down to the center of the state at Grand Rapids, MN. Even the National Park Service has been accepting this route for years, but it still wasn't official.

A few years ago, the Appalachian Trail also finally decided they wanted to connect with the NCT, and this also required Congressional approval.

Last week, the Senate passed a recreation bill which included this "route adjustment" provision. This was the first time EVER the bill had made it through the Senate. For the past few years, the House had passed a version of the bill, but it needed to get through both houses.

Today, the House voted yes on their version, and now it only needs to be signed into law. Seems like this will happen, but we have a tiny bit of finger crossing to do for this last step.

This is HUGE!

Scenes from the included portions. Maine Junction where the NCT will join the Appalachian Trail. This is also part of the Long Trail.

Maine Junction, North Country Trail, Long Trail, Appalachian Trail

One of the views from the Vermont portion in the Green Mountains.

 North Country Trail, Long Trail, Green Mountains

A view from the Superior Hiking Trail along Lake Superior in Minnesota.

Hellacious Overlook, North Country Trail, Superior Hiking Trail

Waterfalls on the SHT and NCT.

Waterfalls, North Country Trail, Superior Hiking Trail

Mountain Lake on the Border Route, looking into Canada.

Mountain Lake, North Country Trail, Border Route Trail

And Agamok Bridge on the Kekakabic Trail.

Agamok Bridge, North Country Trail, Kekakabic Trail

These will now all officially be part of this great trail experience. Can't have a better quality day than this!

See The Party's Over, But it's OK
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