Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Schoolmate, Stoneflies, Scalp, Score

Another busy day here. All good.

We went to visit Elaine's cousin Linda. This is another schoolmate I hadn't seen for about 50 years. It all seems fairly amazing to me. We all went to the same church as well.


We went for a short walk by the Susquehanna River, and discovered there were hundreds of adult stoneflies running around on the snow. They come out of the water to find a mate and only live a couple of weeks. Don't think I knew all this. Had to get help with the ID. I think this is the first I've seen adults. This is probably Paracapnia angulata

adult stonefly

After a nice visit, we went out to eat. On the way home, we had to stop and take a picture of this hill. Looks like a guy with really thin hair. Or maybe a Mohawk haircut that needs to be trimmed up on the sides.

winter hillside

After Elaine and I got back to her place we split a set of Upwords, and then she carried on an old, old tradition by beating the socks off me at Carroms. I don't think I've EVER won this game against her.

playing Carroms

Ever. (And Carroms are actually made in Ludington, so it's pretty funny that it's really Elaine's game.)

See Aurora Free Library
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  1. Well, I say that Joan just hasn't had the practise I've had, hehe. It's in my genes, inherited :) We did have a great day.

  2. Seeing old friends is always nice. When I think about how long it's been since I've seen certain people I realize just how old I am.
    I have never heard of Carroms. Looks like an interesting game

  3. Haven't played Carroms for at least 65 years. I remember it was fun.


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