Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Crimson Clover

I first encountered this plant in Alabama last year. The astounding color blew me away, but I assumed it was a southern plant- obviously a clover- and I found so many new ones I couldn't begin to identify them all. I knew it had to be some kind of clover. It's common name is Crimson Clover, Trifolium incarnatum

crimson clover

But then, when I was driving home yesterday, I saw this field. The color matched. I couldn't believe it! I turned around and went back to take pictures.

crimson clover

Oh my gosh! It's the same plant. And apparently planted in purpose in a whole field.

crimson clover

Here's a nice close up of the flower.

crimson clover

So, what's the deal? Well, this is an alien plant, from Europe... Hmm. It's agricultural. It's used as a forage crop, and as a ground cover. The bad news is that it can become invasive. It is edible for humans too. It's supposedly more successful in the south. So, although it's very pretty, I really don't want another invasive species.

Mixed bag of characteristics, but at least I know what it is.

In other news: I wrote all morning, did bookwork in the afternoon, then the Celebrate Scottville event, and a meeting this evening. Enough

See Red and White Clover
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  1. I've never seen clover that color. It's pretty. Now I'll have that song stuck in my head and I'll be humming crimson and clover over and over all day long

  2. I know it's invasive, but it is also pretty.


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