Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Friends and a Book

The day started at Cindy's.


But I had to leave early to get to the book sales event on time. I had the table next to my good author buddy, Don Levin. Some of us chose to do a book reading, so here's Don reading from his newest book, Cold Dark Lies. (Psst... buy it, it's great!)

author Don Levin reading a book

Now I'm at Ester's. We are in a tent because she's had a fire episode at her house, and although the structure is fine, she'll be camping (by choice) until the interior is rebuilt. Will be pretty glam as she gets things set up. For now, it's dry and workable. We are always able to have a good time.

friends being goofy

And the book... well, that's what I sold today, one book. Sigh.

Gotta sign off. I'm on battery power.

See Truck Picnic
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1 comment:

  1. Oh no, only one book sold. Well looking on the bright side you did sell one book :)
    Looks like you and Ester were having a good time with the selfies :)


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