Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, June 8, 2019

It's a Purple Day

I walked to the library today, and the predominant shades of the flowers are purple. Lots to see. A whole raft of light purple iris.

light purple iris

The hanging baskets on the light poles in Scottville have lots of varieties of purple petunias.

hanging planter with petunias

These allium are pretty in the shade. You could say they are pink, but they look quite purple when not seen against other dark purple colors.


I'll try to get a picture of this bush when it's open. These are dark purple lilacs in bud. A recent commercial landscaping project, and they all look healthy.

dark purple lilac buds

Even the Silver Maples got in on the act. Look at the newly fallen keys. I hadn't ever realized how much color they have.

silver maple samura keys

Finally, a few of my iris are hanging in there despite the neglect. Just an ordinary old-fashioned purple one, but it's pretty.

two toned purple iris

In other news: I wrote in the morning, did a couple of errands in town. I'm trying to get the pictures sorted from the hike I'm writing about. Up to nearly 100 of them in the correct order. Want to finish before I move on to writing the next chapter. Oh, and had to figure out what I accidentally did that changed a setting on my camera. It drives me nuts. Somehow I manage to push buttons by accident and screw things up. This change was one I hadn't made before, so I had to spend a bit more time to fix it. But, I did get it. It got really hot here today- almost 90 degrees. Wow. I'm not used to that yet.

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1 comment:

  1. Lots of pretty purple there. I used to have some of those ordinary iris but somehow they must have got dug up.


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