Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, July 8, 2019

Gumball Sun

The sky is hazy today... they tell us it's due to fires in Canada.

What that meant for my morning was that I could take a picture of a perfectly round sun gumball with the sun high in the sky.

sun through haze

In other news: I wrote in the morning, did a lot of stuff for our Books Alive! event (2 weeks away), mowed the other half of the yard and did a tiny, tiny bit on the trailer including making a list of the things I need to get before my next effort to accomplish much. Hoping to do some accounting this evening.

See Ring Around the Moon
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  1. That does look like a gumball hanging up there in the sky.

    Blank atm gets around. I deleted that very same comment from my blog just a few minutes ago.

  2. Charlee: "Ooh, yes, we've seen that sun here during the fires."
    Chaplin: "We wouldn't mind not seeing it anymore in the future!"


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