Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, August 4, 2019

More Dragonflies

On my Ottawa County Hike last week I saw at least four different kinds of dragonflies, but I could only get pictures of two of them.

This beauty was completely new to me, and I love it! This is a Calico Pennant, Celithemis elisa, either a female or an immature male. See how the pattern on its hind wings is all broken up into shapes? Calico!

calico pennant dragonfly

This next one I've shown you before, but this time, there is not as much dark coloring. This is a female Widow Skimmer, Libellula luctuosa, with only a hint of black near the body on the forewing.

female widow skimmer dragonfly

I got a nice side shot of her too.

female widow skimmer dragonfly

The link below will show you one that has so much dark that at first glance you might mistake it for a butterfly.

I wish it wasn't so hard to get pictures of these little buggers. The ones that don't perch are nearly impossible.

In other news: It's all other news: I did a whole lot of stupid little jobs that don't look like I accomplished anything, but I crossed them all off my list. The only thing that feels like progress is that I transplanted the baby lettuces. So far, they are happy enough. We'll see how they fared in the morning. And I unloaded my car. It goes into the shop tomorrow- I'll be riding bike or bumming rides for a while.

See It's a Butterfly, It's a Dragonfly
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1 comment:

  1. Fascinating dragonflies. I always thought they look like little aliens with wings.
    Hope your car doesn't take too long to get fixed.


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