Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year's Day Hike 2020

What better way to start the new year than with a hike, and that on my favorite trail. North Country Trail, of course.

I met up with several friends and we started at Freesoil Trailhead.

snowy trail

There were four of us hiking together, Sue, Andrea, Trish, and me (and Sophie and Annabelle the pups), but we ran into Kurt and Connie hiking the same bit of trail. How fun!

hikers on snowy trail

It was a truly gorgeous day. Mid 30s for temperature. The snow was thick on the trees.

snowy trail

We got to a bridge where the access was under water, and it was deep enough that we decided to not try to cross. The pups ran right across the ice, but it wouldn't bear our weight.

So we turned around and then hiked north of Freesoil Road for a ways, through the bottomland hardwood swamp.

snowy swamp

Got me a Sophie fix!

hiker holding dacshund

We did 4 miles, so I have a small beginning on the 2020 Hike 100 Challenge.

I didn't do anything important after I got home. Read a book. It all felt good.

North Country Trail, Lake County, MI, Freesoil TH out and back both directions for a total of 4 miles.

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  1. That was a good way to start the new year off.

  2. Charlee: "Happy New Year! We are back!"
    Chaplin: "And we are sending lots of purrs that you have a great year!"
    Lulu: "And tail wags, too!"
    Charlee: "That looks like a very pretty hike but maybe a little cold for our tastes."
    Lulu: "Says you! My fluffy coat would keep me warm out there for hours!"


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