Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Across the Road Update

In early February, I showed you some construction that was happening across the road. Things began to move quickly. They put up a sign that verified what I thought it is going to be. This will be a larger version of the Amish store that is down the road from me, called West Shore Market.

Here it is on March 7.

West Shore Market construction

March 11. I had to remember to take pictures because things were happening fast.

West Shore Market construction

March 17

West Shore Market construction

And then... well. Everything got shut down. And there it all sat until after the Governor's directive on April 24. Non-essential construction still isn't supposed to happen. But I'm thinking they needed that heavy equipment somewhere that was essential. At any rate, they spread those dirt piles and took away the machines.


West Shore Market construction

And there it will continue to sit until work is allowed once again. I'm sure the owners of the market will be happy when things can go forward.

In other news: I created another promotional video in the morning, and finished preparations for an on-line author event in a Facebook mystery group yet this evening. I was so good, I let myself start another puzzle.

See What's Happening?


  1. That will be nice to have nearby.

  2. That looks like it's going to be a pretty big store. There's one not too far from me and they have great prices on bulk spices.


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