Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Teeny Said, "Let's Do it Again"

Modestine is a fine name, but it's not gonna last. Her nickname is "Teeny." But, I'm happy to be able to tell you that she likes the exact same kind of weather I do. So when I told her that today was going to be cool with bright sunshine all day, she just begged until I said, "Yes, we can go out."

Omer was helpful, and spotted me so I only had to walk in one direction. I ended at (just past it at the next road) the same place as yesterday, McCarthy Lake, but this time I came from the other direction. It never disappoints.

McCarthy Lake

Spring is taking its sweet ol' time showing up here. Nothing seems to be greening up at all. However, one of the nice things about being able to see a long way through the woods is that I can feel how I'm really moving through the landscape. Instead of just walking through constant trees, I can see the ridges, and feel how the trail lies on them.

open woods

This stump covered with moss and lichen shocked me at first. When I was farther away it almost looked like some strange dried-out cactus.

funny stump

A reflection in McCarthy Lake.


There is a pair of trumpeter swans on McCarthy Lake. I got one good picture of one of them.

trumpeter swan

McCarthy Creek looks like a solid little stream, but it completely dries up in late summer.

McCarthy Creek

And, look who I ran into again: Kurt and Connie. This is at least the second time this year. Other than that, I saw 5 mountain bikers, a few motorcycles on the motorized trail, and a family with little kids who were taking a different trail. We all kept our distance. It was a beautiful Sunday, and I'm glad to see people getting outside.


How did we do? I put 3 more pounds in Teeny, and we both did fine with them. Not up to full weight yet, though. Miles hiked: 9.25. Call it 9. Hike 100 Challenge 2020 is at 98 miles.

In other news: I "went to church" at two different services. My camera does seem to be dead. I got out an old one that still works.

North Country Trail, Lake County, MI, Timber Creek to 3-Mile Rd.

See Modestine's First Hike

1 comment:

  1. Something tells me that Teeny didn't have to beg too much...lol
    It's not greening up too much around here yet either and yet especially in comparison to what I've been seeing others post on their blogs.


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