Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Little Pretties

Just some little pleasures as I walked to town. Two are alien, I'm sorry to tell you, but I can enjoy them anyway.

I always love the clear blue of Speedwell. This is common speedwell, Veronica officinalis. This one is native at least.

common speedwell

Here's one you can munch on, Cerastium vulgatum. It's a chickweed. In general they are easy to ID as a group because the white flowers are small and have five petals that are cleft so they almost look like 10. All the chickweeds are edible. Put the flowers and tender leaves in salads, or cook the leaves and stems as greens.

mouse ear chickweed

That said, This one is Mouse Ear Chickweed. You can see why it's called that. The leaves are really hairy. You are supposed to cook these leaves before eating. I've actually never tried any of them as a cooked green. Maybe I should.

mouse ear chickweed

Finally for today, we have the English Daisy, Bellis perennis. They are supposed to be invasive and I've tried to get some to grow in my yard. Not invasive for me! Can't convince any to live.

English Daisy

Well, I did mow some grass. And I walked to the P.O. and bank, which is when I took these pictures. Worked on another little outside project that I may show you tomorrow. Then I started another puzzle. Now that the maps are done, I can play on that table again.

See Spring Out and About
See Little Pleasures

1 comment:

  1. Of the three, the daisies are my favorite.. I need to mow too since everyone around me has. I skipped it last week and it really shows.


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