Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Memory Lane

We are in my hometown. I'm not sure that I actually mentioned that before. It's sad and weird and good to be here. The day began with going to church where I grew up. The good thing about that is that because of the virus, they are using the big sanctuary where there is enough room for people to keep appropriate distances. The church celebrated its 200th anniversary this summer.

Interlaken Baptist Church

We toured the entire town (which takes about 5 minutes), and also drove past the house (outside of town) I grew up in. It was built by my grandfather. I was really happy to see that it's being taken care of well. A lot of houses aren't. They are old and historic, and otherwise money pits.

craftsman bungalow

We also drove down to Sheldrake Point on Cayuga Lake. This is where I learned to swim. Swimming not allowed there now, but we went for a little wade. A very hot day, and tomorrow is supposed to be worse.

Sheldrake Point

We chilled, visited with Dick and Darla, and contemplated the places we want to hike. But we're not going to start that tomorrow in 90 degrees. I think swimming and ice cream might be on the agenda!

See Western NY and a Table


  1. There's no place like home. That church is quite lovely. I could live on the front porch of that house. I've always wanted a house that had a big covered front porch

  2. My home church and town as well. Whenever I'm going through I have to go past my old home on Footes Corners Road.

  3. I made a trip like that to Waverly a couple of years ago. Strange but interesting, some things the same, others very different.


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