Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, November 9, 2020

Done, Done, Done and Done!

  Face #4 is done. Everything is cleaned up. This completes the re-shingling of the entire roof even if it did take me more years to do it than I had planned. This started 7 years ago when I discovered that the south face in the sun had turned into total crumbles- about all that was preventing leaks was the tarpaper, which the original roofer had not even installed properly (don't get me started on this topic).

So here's the view of the whole thing- as much as I can get into one picture. roof of a house

Here' the face I finished today. A stiff breeze made the ridge challenging, but I got it done! Sorry about the shadow, but it was afternoon. roof of a house

This was last spring. roof of a house This was April 2014, before cleanup and before I put the last few pieces in on the right edge. roof of a house

And October 2013 roof of a house

I'm really thinking I shouldn't have to do this again. Next time this needs a roof it's likely to be someone else's problem.

While I was up there, I felt obligated, as always, to take a picture of my kingdom. It was looking rather drab today, but there it is. It's actually shrunk quite a bit in recent years, but that's not a quality story. Maybe someday I'll share it. field from a rootop

Om put all the used shingles (carefully checked for nail removal) in the driveway to help with the ever-eroding sand surface. dirt driveway

Then, I tried to get everything put away, the hoses rolled up and stashed for winter, and the front porch cleaned off. I almost made it. It's not supposed to rain till afternoon tomorrow. We'll see if I can get myself in gear in the morning to finish.

In other news: I finished chapter 5 in Dead Mule Swamp Singer.

See Did She Do It?- 2020
See This Year's Roofing Project- 2014
See Looky Looky, I Played Hookey- 2013


  1. You did an excellent job. It looks like it was done by a professional. Great idea using the old shingles for the driveway.

  2. Awesome job Joan. You amaze me. 🤗


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