Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, November 6, 2020


  I knew I had to get a lot done today as soon as I learned that I was "in" for a vendor event tomorrow. I will still have Sunday, but I had to make a lot of progress on the roof. And I did! I put up 6 bundles of shingles. This is not nearly the record of 9 in one day that I did in the spring, but I was not under THAT much of a weather panic.

Don't worry about that torn tarpaper. I'll get that covered when I get there. new roof

Still, the day was a little intense, since I also had to go buy the second half of the shingles. I can only easily load/unload 6 bundles at a time in my car.

I have to tell you a little side story. When I checked out, the young girl who waited on me was looking around desperately. "You'll have to wait a minute until I can find some big guys to help you with those," she said.

I said, "I loaded them myself last week, and I expect I can do it again." I confess to secretly smirking when I get to say things like this.

And look how we ended the day in the west! Really intense. Those colors are true- cherry red to reddish purple. red sunset

I like the long view that shows the extent of it, but a closer view is good too. red sunset

In other news: Yes, there is other news! I also did a load of laundry.

See Discouraged/ Encouraged


  1. You work well under pressure. I would have liked to have seen the look on that girls face when you told her you could load the shingles yourself.


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