Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Pentwater Pathway Hike

  Pentwater Pathway is a series of loops, primarily for cross-country skiing, but they also make great hikes. The day started out frosty but warmed to a wondrous 48 degrees, with beautiful skies. I thought the way the clouds were in little puffs was quite interesting. blue sky and clouds behind trees

Since it's a ski area, as you might expect, there are some hills, but not too many. I'm actually willing to ski all of this with the exception of one particular hill. And I'm a big chicken on skis. trail on a hillside

Found a heart in a hollow log!
heart shaped hollow in a log

The sun lit up an area of rather ordinary grasses and made it interesting. grass in the sun

The cast of characters was Loren and myself. selfie of two hikers

And Corky and Koa. Corky still hikes right along at age 13 (the white dog), and Koa is energy on steroids. She must have run at least three times as far as we hiked, and wasn't tired a bit. two small dogs black white

So, how far did we go? Loren and I did a loop of 5.3 miles. Then we ate our lunches. I stayed longer and hiked more, to be sure I covered every leg of every trail. My total came in at 11 miles.

There is no other news: I just let today be a hiking day. Interestingly enough, when I went looking for a link to add about another Pentwater Pathway hike, I discovered that I hiked this 5 years and 1 day ago, when it was also unseasonably mild!

See Petwater Pathway Promenade


  1. Love that first picture with the clouds. You found some interesting things to take pictures of for this time of year.
    Cute hiking partners you had there.

  2. HI Ann- I do try to find new things to picture, but some days it's just hard!


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