Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Three Mile Loop Again

  I was going to take a longer walk today, but suddenly it was three o'clock and midwinter, so the light doesn't last. I ended up doing my same old three-mile road loop. Could I find anything of interest to show you? You'll have to judge your interest level for yourself.

Well, the little pond is always appealing, although there were no ducks there today. One thing that is nice in the winter is that you can see how an arm of the water extends back between the two clumps of evergreens. small pond

The black willow branches against the gray sky have a bit of a bonsai look to them. black willow branches

Other than that, I picked up a grocery bag full of aluminum cans and bemoaned that they've trimmed the road edges with that horrible rotary brushwhacker that just rips everything to shreds. Tomorrow, I'll try to pay more attention to the time so I can do a longer walk.

In other news: I wrote Chapter 16 in Dead Mule Swamp Singer, did some of my editing work, and worked on the "other" project. The bulk of the day was spent cleaning up the living room enough for the Christmas tree to appear. Amazingly enough, I did manage to put a lot of my stuff away to open up a space.

See Winter Tour- The 3 Mile Loop


  1. Most days leaves us with the "routine" walk, but I find that each day brings new things to see on the trail. We discovered a new bird this year....I found one dead on the trail....so now we watch for them. What a treat! (It is the golden crowned kinglet)

  2. I wish I had the energy and ambition to do even a fraction of the walking you do.

  3. Lin- that is really strange- the first golden crowned kinglet I ever saw was also dead- it had flown into a window.

    Ann- I sort of have to walk. Can't stop myself.


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