Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Done Before Noon!

  Cathy hustled me along this morning, and we completed a hike on the North Country Trail and were home before noon. If you know me, that's pretty amazing. We went to Timber Creek and walked south. Here's that grove of hemlocks in a low area that I love. hemlock grove

There was still frost in some spots. Nifty little spikes on the grass. frost on grass

This is just some dried stems (maybe peppergrass?), but I liked the contrast with the water behind it. dried plant stems against a water background

Tank Creek is flowing! The warmer temperatures are doing their work, although the trail was snow covered and the walking was still difficult. We didn't break any speed records.

And there has to be a blue sky picture. Just has to. I'm such a sucker for these views. blue sky behind pines

NCT Hike 100 Challenge 2021 is at 82 miles.

North Country Trail, Lake County, Michigan, Timber Creek south to S. Branch Road and back, total of 4 miles

In other news: I've been editing all afternoon.

See Timber Creek South


  1. Lulu: "That's some amazing frost decoration on those little plants!"

  2. Ann- I fall in love with that color every time!

    Lulu- yes, I need to remember to look down closer to where you and your friends eyeballs are!


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