Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, April 3, 2021

8.5 Hilly Miles

  Cathy and I went for a hike today. We were in the Udell Hills section of the North Country Trail. This is quite hilly, but it's very hard to take pictures that show it. The brown just stretches out flat in a picture, and the sense of elevation change is lost. In this picture, you can at least see some of the curvature. This actually overlapped slightly with what I hiked on Thursday. Udell Hills

Worst news of the day- someone has stolen the NCT emblem that is supposed to be at the top of that post. The bolts are removed and the sign is just gone. People can be so selfish. trail sign with missing emblem

The pileated woodpeckers have been tearing the bark off dead trees. Could be porcupine, but several with similar damage higher up seems to confirm the woodpeckers.
tree with torn bark

Last year's squaw root. Guess I showed you some from this same section a year ago. Apparently it grows profusely there. last year's squaw root

North Country Trail miles for 2021 is at 163. Cathy's miles toward Hike 100 is at 30.

North Country Trail, Manistee County, MI, Skocelas Road north 4.25 miles and back for a total of 8.5 miles

In other news: I've been editing like crazy since I got home. And... look who woke up. Ms. Woodchuck. This is a whole month earlier than my first sighting of her last year. Of course, she could have been awake, and I just didn't notice. She looks fat and sleek this year. woodchuck

See Udell Fire Tower


  1. That's pretty rude that someone stole that sign.

  2. Ann- these things just make steam come out of my ears.

    Stew- Good! Mission accomplished then


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