Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Spring Arrives at Hodenpyl

  Marie and I drove to do the piece of North Country Trail along Hodenpyl Dam Pond today. We waited for a blue-sky day so the water would be beautiful. It was chilly, but the sun was perfect. Hodenpyl Dam Pond

And the real surprise? This is north of me, and yet the wildflowers seem to be ahead of what I see right near home. Well, we are not going to complain!

Dutchman's Breeches dutchman's breeches

Cuckoo Flower
Cuckoo Flower

Common Blue Violet (but a very pale one) violets

Marsh Marigold marsh marigold

Shadbush looking like sparkles against the blue water. shadbush

Trout Lily trout lily

And the trilliums are just beginning. This one was the most open that we saw. trillium

But soon, there will be a white carpet- lots of buds! trilliums

The shadows were starting to fall as we finished. See link below for this same view in winter. We also saw Toothwort in bud and a couple other sedges, but pictures aren't very good. Hodenpyl Dam Pond

We went to Porcupine Junction (a trail crossing) and turned around, for a total of 6 miles. Porcupine Junction

What a great hike! This route never disappoints, but so much nicer with blue sky and water.

North Country Trail miles so far in 2021 is 226.

North Country Trail, Wexford County, MI, Hodenpyl Dam east along the pond and back for a total of 6 miles

In other news: We totally goofed off. We played our game, and did a little sightseeing on the way home from the hike.

See Hodenpyl Dam Pond in Winter


  1. Love the wild flowers :) have a good time u2

  2. Since I can't feel the cold, it looks like a perfect day.

  3. Hi Elaine- Thanks

    Ann- It was pretty perfect anyway!


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