Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, May 7, 2021

Dinner with Denali

  Today, I picked up Denali again, and am keeping her overnight. You know that people who hike 15-20 miles a day can eat! We made it a point to eat good stuff.

But first, I did walk a little way out to meet her on the trail. Although the day started cold, it was quite nice by afternoon. sunny sky

This little not-quite-a-creek was flowing. I think it only has water in the spring. stream

And a bouquet of violets streamside. violets

Anyway... she did all the hiker clean-up stuff, and we fixed... #1 Baked macaroni and cheese macaroni and cheese

#2 Fresh, local asparagus. The harvesting has just begun. asparagus

Followed by rhubarb cobbler. rhubarb cobbler

And then, there is the re-checking of the maps and making a plan for the next set of miles. hiker looking at maps

I'm going to hike with her tomorrow for about half the day.

In other news: I did editing and errands this morning, so I could go get Denali again. We've been talking more trail stuff!

See A Day with Denali


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