Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Views of Hamlin Lake

  Cathy and I walked 4.5 hilly miles today. We've been walking these trails through the winter, but it was great to see some of these views in the warmer months. This just gives you an idea of the terrain. Sand hills in Ludington State Park. hiker on hilly trail

At one point, on top of a hump, there is a great wide view of Hamlin Lake. We west Michiganders love our blue water! Hamlin Lake

Then we dropped down to the location where I've taken several pictures- same view in the link below- but it's not winter any more. The brown area in the distance in both pictures is a bare dune on the north side of the lake. Hamlin Lake

We continued the return leg of our loop, staying on the trail closest to the lake. There are no open views here, but there are glimpses of the backwaters ("lost" arms of water) along this stretch. Hamlin Lake backwaters

Along the road we found a big patch of forget-me-not. I love them, but sadly, they are alien. There is a native one, but it's smaller. It's very hard to get the blue color to show up in photos, but this isn't too bad. forget me nots

We didn't make any great times, we were stopping often to enjoy the views and discuss trail junctions- we're trying to figure out which of the trails we've already hiked. These ones are not really official park trails and there are no signs. Interestingly enough, we have not yet re-found the section we were on the first day we explored these trails.

In other news: I edited all morning, looked for some stuff with little success (little is defined as- I did not find what I was looking for, but I did find a couple other things that it was nice to locate), hiked, and then got a few groceries.

Ludington State Park, Michigan, unmarked trails between Piney Ridge Road and Hamlin Lake. 4.5 mile loop

See Starting to Figure Out these Loops


  1. Wow! How nice that you have such beauty nearby! I especially like the little flowers that surprise you along the way. We have been enjoying the Spring flowers and the orioles who are visiting this time of year. Such a treat!

  2. Lin- I have always lived near some pretty big water except for my college years. I really missed it then, and am very thankful now.


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