Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, June 25, 2021

Hosts and Home

  Connie and Jerry were my hosts this past week. We started out as trail friends, but I think we've moved beyond that. They've hiked chunks of the North Country Trail. Jerry has hiked the Appalachian Trail, and they do a lot of the maintenaince on the Midland to Mackinac Trail. You can see the emblems for those three trails hanging on their house. friends

The day was a complete bust for hiking. It rained all day. I finally realized I might as well come home. Sure, I could have just put on the wet clothes from yesterday and hiked, but the point of this trip was to take notes, and get coordinates for places. Technology and even paper and pencil are not very compatible with solid rain.

It was an uneventful drive home, and then I hit the ground running to switch out the stuff in the car and get ready for the book vendor event this weekend. Some of the authors have already bailed, but some of us will be there. This is the big Lakeshore Arts Festival in Muskegon, so even with a reduced crowd, it's still a bigger venue than we usually see. Hey... I'll be sitting under a canopy, not walking through wet weeds!

I have to be ready to roll earlier than my brain likes in the morning, so I may try to get to sleep early. We'll see if that works!

Again, huge thanks to Connie and Jerry! Sunny and I had a blast.

See NCT Hike- Just Fun


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